Garage Door Rust–What You Need to Know

Garage Door Rust–What You Need to Know

Garage Door Rust–What You Need to Know

Can you guess what’s slowly killing your garage door? Rust and corrosion!

A rusty garage door is very frustrating, especially when you’ve invested a lot of money on its installation. You can’t even ignore the rust because it easily spreads from a tiny stain to massive cracks.

In this blog, we’ll cover the leading causes and prevention remedies for garage door rust.

What Causes A Garage Door Rust?

Let’s learn more about the culprits of garage door rust.

1. Do You Live Near Coastal Area?

If you live near the coastal area, there are high chances that the atmospheric salt causes frequent wear and tear in the garage doors and peels off paint.

2. What’s the Immediate Climate?

Climate also has a significant impact on garage door’s appearance and health. The consistent sunlight exposure weakens even the highest-quality paint protection and leads to rusty patches. Moreover, snowy areas need de-icing, and using different de-icing sprays harms garage doors’ strength.

3. Do Your Pets Live in Garage?

Often metallic garage doors are corroded from the bottom such that they start breaking. Homeowners sweep them away without realizing the underlying cause—pet urine. It’s acidic and ruins almost every metal.

Dogs especially love to pee on vertical door tracks, and consistent peeing leads to complete metal destruction within months.

4. Low-Quality Paint

A garage door needs painting in different stages. It might be possible that your garage door’s coat is of low-quality that generally doesn’t last long and lead to rust.

How to Prevent Garage Door Rust?

Here are some ways to prevent garage door rust.

1. Wash Your Garage Door Regularly

Many homeowners underestimate the powerful benefits of washing their garage doors. Cleaning a garage door removes dust particles, pollen, grime, and other stubborn stains. You can use warm water, a soft sponge, and a medium water-hose setting to wash the garage gate.

2. Use White Vinegar and Water

If there are small rust spots on your garage door, you can remove them using a mixture of white vinegar and water. But it leads to scratches and isn’t an ideal solution.

3. Paint the Garage Door

You can use rust-resistant paint for your garage door. Be mindful of applying a primer before, but it isn’t easy to obtain a perfect finish manually. Seek professional assistance for an expert paint blend.

4. Call in Expert Garage Door Services in Oakley

Are you looking for garage door maintenance? Or that perfect paint finish? Reach out to Your Garage Door Guys in Oakley. We offer garage door repair, replacement, and maintenance services for Oakley’s residential and commercial facilities.

Contact us today at 925-308-6011 or for reliable and efficient services!