Holidays Garage Cleaning Checklist

Holidays Garage Cleaning Checklist

Holidays Garage Cleaning Checklist

The holiday season is the time when people come together to celebrate with their close friends and family. While some use this time to wind down from the hectic pace of the year, for others it can be an incredibly stressful time as people try to get their homes ready for hosting dinners.

A lot of people start to clean areas they had been ignoring the whole year including places like the garage. That’s why we’ve created this garage cleaning checklist that can help you clean your garage in no time. Have a look.

Organize Items

The holiday season is a good time to take stock of the things you have in your garage. If an appliance, equipment, or tool is not working properly, consider selling it or donating it. Get rid of anything that doesn’t belong in the garage such as broken equipment pieces that have been collecting rust for years.

Use creative methods to store the items you have chosen to keep in your garage. For instance, roll out bins for different kinds of accessories and install peg boards and wire shelves for better vertical organization.

Clean the Garage

Once you have completed organizing your garage, it’s time to start cleaning it. Start by vacuuming up any dirt or debris that has accumulated over time. Clean up any dust or cobwebs from unused areas of the garage such as inside the cabinets.

Vacuum away any cobwebs from the walls and ceiling. Don’t forget to clean light fixtures and replace broken bulbs. Use a good quality degreaser to clean stubborn spots. If that is not available and you don’t want to go to the convenience store, then consider scrubbing with a good wire brush or placing kitty litter on the stain.

Invest In Garage Door Maintenance

If you have been guilty of ignoring your garage door and haven’t invested in regular maintenance, then it’s time you do so now. By hiring a reputable garage door company, you can ensure the door functions optimally. The technicians can tighten the bolts, adjust spring tension as well as lubricate different areas of the door to improve its lifespan and get it ready for the holidays.

A home with a garage door

Affordable Garage Door Services in Lafayette, CA

On the lookout for an affordable garage door repair company in Lafayette, Brentwood, and Bethel island? At Your Garage Door Guys, we help homeowners get their garages ready for the holiday season. Our experts help with maintenance and repair services, so you don’t have to stress about anything this festive season.

Reach out to us today to learn more about affordable garage door installation.