How to Decide When to Repair or Replace Your Garage Door

How to Decide When to Repair or Replace Your Garage Door

How to Decide When to Repair or Replace Your Garage Door

No one wants to incur huge renovation expenses every other year. This is precisely why most people prefer repairs over total replacements for any home improvement project—including garage doors.

Most people invest in garage doors once in their lifetime, and assume that all future damages can be repaired easily. However, there are some instances when replacements become a necessity.

Garage doors play a pivotal role in determining the curb appeal of your house; hence, you need to make an informed decision. Here’s a brief guideline to help you decide on what course of action to take.

1. Wear and Tear

Since most garages are completely detached from the rest of the house, they’re subject to all kinds of adverse weather conditions. If you live in a state where rainfall, storms, and snow are common phenomenon, your garage door is more likely to experience wear and tear. Other factors that exacerbate garage door wear and tear include severity of use, wood erosion, and rust.

Since garage doors are a central part of your home’s appearance, none of these are a good sign and call for total replacement.

Other than that, if you have a wooden door and some bits of it have corroded away, there is no way out other than a full replacement.

garage Door

2. Area of damage

Damage is different from wear and tear, since it takes place due to a specific incident. If your car somehow crashed into the garage door while you were parking, for instance, the collision will cause more damage than you’d think.

In such cases, the first thing you need to do is look at whether your home or car insurance covers the damage. If the collision has caused considerable damage and the costs of repairs exceed the cost of a replacement, it’s definitely more feasible to opt for the latter.

3. Operations

If your garage door was working fine and stops working all of a sudden, you can get a specialist to take a look and see if it can be fixed. On the flip side, if it’s been acting up for some time now, you might have to opt for a total replacement because it’s indicative of a longstanding problem.

If you’re looking for a garage door installation Oakley and repair service in Oakley, CA area, get in touch with Your Garage Door Guys. Other than installation, we also offer commercial garage door repair services. For further details, contact us online.