The Risks of DIY Garage Door Spring Repairs

The Risks of DIY Garage Door Spring Repairs

The Risks of DIY Garage Door Spring Repairs

The internet might make DIY garage door repair look appealing and easy, but if you are an amateur fiddling with a garage door, you will likely damage it. Even though a standard garage door seems to be doing the simple function of moving up and down, several technicalities go into making it work. At Your Garage Door Guys, we take care of everything garage repair related, so you don’t have to.

We understand that garage springs are a particularly sensitive feature of garage doors. They are mounted horizontally above door openings and unwind when the door is opened. Cable springs attached to the bottom of the door apply force on the springs, causing them to unwind. With usage over time, the springs tend to get loose and pose several risks for anyone using the garage door.

Here are some of the biggest risks of DIY garage door repairs that affect springs and all the reasons why you should hire professional services for them:

1. Garage Door Can Fall

A garage door is heavier than other doors; even among garage doors, the ones made of wood are denser. If it falls over a person or even a vehicle, it can cause severe injuries and damages. The risk of such an accident is a huge deterrent against DIY garage repairs.

At YGDG, we are well equipped to deal with spring repairs as our trained experts know the ins and outs of torsion springs and will keep your springs in check all year round. It must be noted that sooner or later, all springs snap, but with our maintenance, you will be in safe hands.

A white garage door shut

2. Using Incorrect Tools

While carrying out DIY garage door repairs, using incorrect tools can create a hazard where there is none. For example, using a winding bar to pull up and push down a garage door spring is essential, but homeowners might use rudimentary tools like screwdrivers. Such tools can cause cracks or hurt the person using them.

3. Increased Costs

If you think DIY garage repairs will save you money, think again. This is because when you pay for a service, results and safety are guaranteed. However, if you take the job on yourself, you will have to invest in the tools, learn the skills, or bear the more expensive brunt of a failed repair.

Avoid the Dangers of DIY Door Repair, Hire YGDG

The risks of DIY Spring repairs far outweigh the benefits, and why take the risk when the best garage door repair services in Clayton, CA, are always at your service? Your Garage Door Guys has been serving your garage door needs since 1998, and we are still on top of our game.

Contact us today and drop a line of your required services, and we will take care of everything from garage spring repairs, cable repairs, door replacements and damaged panels to door balancing and track services.

Get a quote today and have our guys come and sort out your garage door springs today!